Thursday, July 12, 2007

I am capable ...

... Of now and then, noticing the good that is done by men, not just Women, and to find that a few of them actually have a little class and intelligence.

Please adjust your defibrillators, swallow your heart medicine, climb back into your chairs.

For example, I was quite pleased to see that a certain city official, imprisoned beside me in a horrendous meeting last night, had a copy of the classic "Crime and Punishment" tucked among his possessions.

The title was a propos to the situation, rather ironically.

I like to see people reading good books for pleasure, not by compulsion.


Chase March said...

The problem is that reading is a personal affair. People who do read don't often advertise that fact. Sadly, a lot of people do not read for pleasure these days.

I am waiting for the new Harry Potter book to come out in nine days. I like how universal that character and series is. It will be a common experience to share, which seems to be the exception, not the norm.

Eastcoastdweller said...

Interestingly enough, reading used to be a very public affair. I learned some time ago that in ancient Greece, everybody read aloud when they read at all -- there was no concept of silent reading.

Hence, that famous myth about the Girl picking up an apple with an inscription on it that bound Her to marry some guy once She had read it, because She had of course read the vow out loud.