Saturday, September 8, 2007

Random searching turns up a new pearl

I can't officially link Her yet, because I just found Her blog, but this morning I did the random-search thing and stumbled across a jewel -- a fairly new blog but one with a lot of promise.

Imagine a calculus teacher who loves gardening and spiders. That's Rudbeckia ( Chase in particular, being a teacher,too, might like to visit over there.

The world is full of brilliant Women!


LayDdee said...

I can't thank you enough for being so generous and supportive of women. You're awesome and will reap so many blessings because of it.

Eastcoastdweller said...

Layddee, I am abundantly blessed already just to share the same planet with You delightful Beings and to sip from the fountains of Your intelligence.

Chase March said...

I checked out the link. Seems like it might be a good blog too. Thanks.

Eastcoastdweller said...

Chase: Sure thing. Hope we hear more from Her.

Lance Abel said...

She sounds cool. Except for the spiders. Why o why do people love spiders?

Lance Abel said...

C'mon layddee, spiders are evil and should all be wiped out.

Eastcoastdweller said...

I don't know if Laydee likes spiders. She likes celebrities though. Sometimes I can't tell the difference.