Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Intern arrives

All my misgivings have died and gone to misgiving heaven.

The young Lady who will intern in my office over the next few weeks is competent, articulate and very ready to get to work.

It feels good to know that I will be able to help Her move forward in Her career path, as someone once did for me. I appreciated that and now it's my turn to reciprocate. Now, if I can just learn to pronounce Her name: Starts with "l" but doesn't look like it sounds.


Cristina said...

Such an unusual name. Careful, ECD, it's so unusual that if you spelled it right and the girl does a search for it, your blog will most definitely show up on the first page... and you know how inquisitive those college youngsters can be.

You'll blow your cover. Ouch.

Janice Thomson said...

It's good to know it looks like all will work out. What a unique name this lady has.

Eastcoastdweller said...

Thanks, Trisia -- as always, you are wise beyond your years and I have heeded your advice.

Janice: It is good. I'm glad to be able to help Her.

Anonymous said...

Oh, goody! Told You so.

Eastcoastdweller said...

Leslie: Yes, You did, You smart Lady, You. (0: