Monday, June 4, 2007

Hazing Hell

Why is it that in every gathering of human society, from a girl's summer camp to a fancy private boarding school for boys, that people feel the need to create the hierarchy of hell?

I've been reading the autobiography of a classic English scholar -- and even the bare hints he's given of his schoolboy life at some British boarding school, circa 1910, sound horrifying similar to the way inmates behave in a maximum security prison.

Newbies are forced to do menial and humiliating tasks for the more senior members, and even in the most strait-laced-appearing of places, homosexual relationships are rampant, as means of promotion or survival.


Anonymous said...

so why're you so intolerant of homosexuality? seems liek you've got something to prove all the time

Eastcoastdweller said...

I figured somebody would probably pop up to make such an accusation, having failed to understand the complexities of what I was talking about.

Relax, dude. What I was talking about was the unhealthy relationship per se, that develops in such a hierarchy as prison, boarding school, etc., between a "senior" and a "lesser" person one person seeking only to satisfy a frustrated need, the other hoping to gain certain privileges or protections -- with no real love involved.

As Lewis himself notes, most of the participants would have "preferred girls if they could have had them."

So it's not about "real" love between homosexuals anyway.

There are reasons why the military heavily discourages, even punishes intimate relationships between officers and enlisted persons -- and we're talking male-female there.

Eastcoastdweller said...

It may even be debated how consensual such a relationship can actually be.