Wednesday, April 4, 2007

On Women

What a magic, wonderful word that is.

When I awoke from childhood and suddenly realized that Women were all around me, I about went insane. I distinctly remember those early years of absolute obsession -- of scribbling down on a piece of paper one day the ordinary words in conversation of a female classmate, which had achieved sanctity just by passing her lips. (I realized quickly that I would never be able to keep that effort up!)

Litter they threw upon the ground, the scent of their perfume, their cigarette smoke, the warm spot on the bus seat they had recently occupied, their discarded homework papers and doodles, the hairs they brushed from their heads, even the mist of their exhaled breath on a cold day -- I wanted to possess it all, to gather it around me in worship.

I've had to grow up and calm down. I've had to learn the hard, hard lesson that women are mortals of flesh and blood, not all of whom belong on a pedestal and few of whom want to be there anyway.

I'm not writing this post to insinuate that I am any better than the next guy, because I certainly am not. Neither am I any kind of infallible expert. But I will say this: What do women want? They want to be respected. They want you to listen. That's not so hard to do, is it?

Why do I bring this up? Because one, I have a playboy brother who goes through women like socks. And now he is on the verge of actually falling in love, but the girl has what is referred to as emotional "baggage." He asked me today for advice and all I could say was, if he can be strong enough to stand by her, and with her, as she copes with her agonies, then go forward, otherwise, back off now.

Reason two is a blog friend of mine, a very intelligent and brave woman, who is suffering heartache and anger right now, due to the actions of the man in her life. And she shouldn't have to. No one should.


Eastcoastdweller said...

Maybe he'll inhale some bird flu virus and die, or choke on his own saliva and asphyxiate himself and leave you in peace. God hope so.

Lance Abel said...

Well, good enough advice.
He'll ignore it anyway and go for her, even if he's not ready to handle it. The beauty is, that, logically, your advice will turn out to be correct either way ;) If it works out, your advice was right. If it doesn't, your advice was right.
No, but seriously. I've often wondered what lessons people would draw from their negative experience if they didn't have the soundbite in their head from some advisor, which then becomes their "lesson learnt". They might just not draw any conclusion from their negative experience, or draw no conclusion at all.

Lance Abel said...

Oh so sarcastic! It need not be all of us. It's not all or nothing. There are so many headless chickens running around!

Chipazoid, have you never had an experience from which you could've drawn any number of lessons? But you realised what the right lesson was to learn? Because it just turned out that remembered what somebody much older than you had said, and that it was...gasp..right? God. I must be a headless chicken

Lance Abel said...
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Lance Abel said...

Oooh oooh. I just remembered a soundbite. Some advice that somebody really old once gave me. Somebody even older than him once told him that too.
But perhaps I just misunderstand you. Certainly have done it before.

Lance Abel said...

You were trying to make a point, not to be funny. I hope. Because headless chickens post wasn't funny. Ha ha :)

Lol. I think of good responses too late. I'm always pretty much on my way home on the train by the time I come up with any good response, and by then I've decidedly lost the battle of wit.

But the Wilde quote doesn't actually go like that. The second part was added later. Usually by people who have just used sacrasm to try to be witty.

Your subjectivism crawls out of the cave again, huh? No objective lessons to be learnt?