Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The faith of a smart man

A friend recently bought me a DVD of the late C.S. Lewis' "Chronicles of Narnia.'

It's not the type of movie I would have sought out on my own. But I watched it, mostly to humor them.

It's very much a Christian allegory -- which allegory, except for the final sacrifice of the Lion, probably passed right over the heads of most of the general public.

The movie did inspire me to pull "Surprised by Joy," off my bookshelf and blow the dust off it for a read. That's Lewis' autobiography.

You see, his life story intrigues me. Here is a very smart, very well-educated man, who passes from naive childhood belief, to complete atheism, then reasons his way back to faith.

More than ever now, with great doubts gnawing at me, I want to know HOW that happened. How did a man, a smart man, a logical, reasonable man, whose faith was shattered on the shoals of scholarship, as happens to so many, rebuild his vessel and sail on, which happens to very few.

1 comment:

ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

Perseverance perhaps; what makes one person weak, makes another strong. In a time of a crisis there are those who rush to assist while others fall down trembling. Some people like spinach, others don’t. So maybe the question is rather: what makes perseverance? Faith?