Monday, September 17, 2007

Thought for the day, on ancient Egypt

"It is a typically Egyptian practice to give several different symbolic formulations to one and the same event [such as a ritual bath]." -- Piankoff


Lance Abel said...

looking forward to watching a doco on the decline of the egyptian empire. when i was at jewish dayschool, we learnt all about the exodus of jews from slavery in egypt...and somebody mentioned that their system fell shortly after the slaves rebelled. so it'll be interesting to hear what the rest of the story was!
anyway commented on a bunch of your other posts. you've been furiously blogging. but i do read em even if i dont get a chance to comment on all. keep it up! great photos everywhere too!

Eastcoastdweller said...

Thanks, Lance.

Anonymous said...

nice thought i the youngest in the blog for the love of woman?

Eastcoastdweller said...

Yek: Probably. A smart man never asks a Lady Her age.

But do not let that hold You back from posting there. You are among friends who respect You and who appreciate Your contributions.

To any of the other regular readers of Isis: FLOW is not a closed society or a clique. If You want to be part, please feel welcome. Just let me know.

Mermaid Melanie said...

interesting thought.

LayDdee said...

Hmmmm still chewing on it.

Open Grove Claudia said...

Ok, I'm an idiot but I have no idea what a "symbolic formation" is. I looked it up in Google and am still not clearer....


BraveHeart said...

Now it would be nice to know the symbolics of a ritual bath.

I like quotations, because they make you think.
On other hand, I think that they are taken ouf of concept, when a speech is shorten to such a small version.

Ancient Egypt sounds so mysterious and draw people like a spell.

BraveHeart said...

I wanted to say, I like quotations because they make ME think.

Eastcoastdweller said...

It was definitely a chewy quote. I must be careful or poor Opus will get arrested again. (Inside joke for LGS and his blog-readership.)

As best as I could understand it, the author seems to indicate that the same ritual could have multiple symbolic meanings.

Immersion of the king in water symbolized purification, rebirth and exaltation as well as union with the gods.

BraveHeart said...

Great immersion. Must feel incredible!

Eastcoastdweller said...

The ancient salon and spa treatment, perhaps.