Monday, May 19, 2008

How computers have fun at our expense.

Poor Julie Andrews.

This is how the Barnes & Noble computer abbreviated the title of Her autobiography, on our receipt the other day:

(Add in "--ly Life," and all is well again.)


Lone Grey Squirrel said...

Your last few posts ventured into some unusual waters but they have been very entertaining to read. As to this post, I was thinking that the sequel would be "Memoirs of my Fin."

Just add "al years" and all will be ok.

Eastcoastdweller said...

Lone Grey, that comeback was great. I vote for you a bushel of white oak acorns and a Squirrel Crossing sign to be installed at the roadway of your choice.

Lizzy Dizzy said...

Aww.. I love my dog he is a black lab chow mix the cutest dog on the earth. and he is a big sweet heart except when it comes to the family he is very protective. We almost had to get rid of him but I found out the other day that I get to keep my dog I am so happy!!! And that dear joke was funny lol and that car thing I wish it was mine that was a cool car!

Eastcoastdweller said...

Lizzie: Ours was a black lab chow mix, too -- the sweetest dog that I have ever known. Came to as a badly abused stray.

Ian Lidster said...

Everyone knows it was the Memoir of My 'Other' Ear.
Poor Julie, indeed. But I won't tell her if you don't.

Lynda said...

Hey ECD, like the new look and some great and different posts indeed, will be back when I have some more time... nice work!!! :)))

Anonymous said...

Ears need memoirs, too.

Lance Abel said...
