Monday, March 19, 2007

When does it end?

As I was walking out of the grocery the other day, I saw a mother and daughter heading for their car.

The mother walked slowly, ponderously, straight forward, a small grocery bag in each hand. The daughter, who was maybe seven, skipped, scampered and ran in joyous circles.

When does it end?

When does the un-self-conscious spontaneity of childhood end? When do we stop skipping and start plodding? What would the world be like if we could delay its departure indefinitely?

Perhaps you say: Someone has to carry the groceries.

1 comment:

Eastcoastdweller said...

But does childhood die from a thousand tiny wounds? Or from one or two body blows to innocence?

Sure, you can link my blog. Guess I should have asked permission before I linked yours.