Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A new friend added

It has been many moons since I added anyone to my blogroll, because I am painfully aware that I don't pay enough attention to all the wonderful people who are already on the list.

But I had a thought today: A blogroll is not just a to-do list for me, a reminder of people whom I need to visit. It is also a way for me to share with visitors to Isis these great bloggers, so that they can step through the doorway into those blogs and perhaps make a new friend.

So I will begin to add some more names to the list, starting with a New York beauty who has intelligence, attitude and a constantly lit cigarette to keep jerks at bay.

Nicotine Queen (supremenicotinequeen.blogspot.com) is the Yankee, big-city version of beautiful Southern Kat (http:herekittykatkat.blogspot.com), one of my earliest and best blog friends, who has a long-standing and permanent link on my blogroll and in my heart.

You both light up my world!


Anonymous said...

I am woefully behind on updating my blogroll. It's on my list of things to do, but since I use google rader to keep me updated, I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Eastcoastdweller said...

Citizen, with Your permission, I would like to add Your blog next. It is a wonderful place to visit!