Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Breaking Through

Lunch Break Post:

Yesterday, I was frustrated. My mind seemed cloudy, my brain unable to focus.

Today I awoke tired but unusually excited.

The projects at work that have confounded me suddenly seem to be coming together. I feel as if I have made a mental breakthrough. It is a good feeling. I cannot determine what has made the difference. Perhaps the sardine sandwich from earlier this week finally having the salutatory effect on the brain (brain food, you know).

It's mysterious but wonderful.

Perhaps I require being confronted with great challenges in order to stretch my little mind to reach higher levels of ability. And I must recognize that part of that process is the uncomfortable, frustrating, floundering, spinning my wheels sensation that indicates that such change, such happy progress, is actually on the way.


Anonymous said...

One never knows where inspiration comes from.

BTW, I'm very late in visiting your blog in reponse to your comment on my blog. I don't know how your comment escaped me, but I apologize.

Eastcoastdweller said...

Hello, Laura:

I'm glad you dropped by. You have a great blog, but one that unfortunately, I had let slip away.

I will link it tonight.