Thursday, June 14, 2007

A sad discovery

Bouncing from blog to blog as I occassionally do, I stumbled across one today that breathed a spirit of deep sorrow.

A woman has produced three children for some man, who is now fooling around on her and making promises he isn't keeping. She feels overweight, overwhelmed and unhappy. Doesn't know whether to go or stay.

This is not some television movie, not some tragic character out of a book.

This is some woman somewhere, as flesh and blood, living and breathing, as I am.

And it was very, very sad.

She, like every woman, deserves to be loved and cherished, uplifted and celebrated.

To be happy.


Chase March said...

It is sad but a word of encouragement in a reply would probably go a long way in the blogger's life.

Eastcoastdweller said...

I did that. I hope it helps.