Thursday, May 17, 2007

Suckers for a bottle

Perhaps I don't know what I'm talking about.

Perhaps I have destroyed my taste buds with years of seeking out the hottest hot sauces I can put on my food.

But I cannot taste a difference between the H2O that cometh forth from my kitchen faucet and the stuff for which people pay a buck and a half (dollar and a half) or so in a plastic bottle.

I have snickered at this modern phenom for years. Granted, there are parts of the world where you'd better sip your water from a bottle unless you fancy cholera. But not my part of the world. Here it's just a successful scheme to snare trend-slaves and suckers.

Then again, every bottle of water someone imbibes is that much less Coke or other syrupy slop they're ingesting, so maybe the craze isn't so bad after all.

Now cometh the newest trend in bottled water: flavored water. P.T. Barnum is surely laughing in his grave. Isn't any drink, from wine to cow's milk, just flavored water?


ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

I couldn’t agree more eastcoastdweller! Nor can I tell the difference between free air for automobile tires at an air pump and those machines where one has to pay for the same air. Perhaps it is a sign that the days of letting the winter air out of your tires and replacing them with summer air will also be returning soon.

Eastcoastdweller said...

People actually used to do that? Wow.

Lance Abel said...

I can't taste the difference either.
Although, apparently, tap water is healthier than purified water (on average), as the small quantities of minerals in it help the body.

Eastcoastdweller said...

Wow, seems like I'm not alone in noticing that the Bottled Water Emperor has no clothes.