Saturday, August 22, 2009

Taking my name in vain?

If you miss a keystroke when attempting to visit Isis, if you type, you reach some kind of Christian merchandising site. Weird. Well, at least it's not porn.

I guess I should be flattered. Well, there are a few delightful people who visit here regularly but I highly doubt that enough folk are beating down my blog-door, eagerly whacking out the keystrokes and missing that little "s," to make that sneaky trick profitable.


Chase March said...

I'm amazed how often this actually happens. Missing one letter or hitting one incorrect one often sends me to another site altogether. Why does this happen?

It seems strange that we don't just end up at an invalid location, doesn't it?

Eastcoastdweller said...

It seems deliberate in some cases. Like this one. Taking advantage of typos to hook people onto some other site.

Janice Thomson said...

My browser always corrects my spelling mistakes so I've not run into this a plugin Firefox has) would definitely be annoying otherwise.